The Effect Of Failure
By: Jannice Longoria Rodriguez
Failure can be analyzed in many different aspects in order to see how affect the society. Before continuing it is important to start by defining what a failure is; the oxford dictionary define failure as “The condition or fact of not achieving the desired end or ends.” The actual society is very tied to their beliefs of what fail is, that they preferstop doing things just to avoid failing. For example, in Puerto Rico a lot of kids leave school every year because they cannot handle the pressure, keep a good GPA and think that is better drop school instead fail in school. There is a lot of example to show how failing or failures affect our society. An example, every fail that the economy have disappoint people and gave less hope to them.However, failing have different impacts on society that it would be difficult to measure all of the aspects that have effect on different levels personal, families and government.
The most notable effect that failure has on a personal level is the self-esteem, moods, among other. For example, a freshman of Engineering that in the first course of Math noticed is not good with numbers, calculation andcannot handle the difficulty of the course. This kind of situation is very common on College and usually the ends of story are drop the class and eventually change the BS concentration. The risk here is that this young learn how to avoid responsibilities and difficulties of live in order to not fail and think that is something good. Then this same young start experience another challenges with moredifficulties than Math and always take the evasive way. In his concept of failure this young has never fail. But the evasion of responsibilities or challenge could be considered as a failure? If we get straight on the Oxford Dictionary definition failure is when something desire is not achieve. If the end of the story of this young was to be Engineer and him just change it because of thedifficulty; in theory this young has his first fail in life and the sad thing is he didn’t know that. Is in that precise moment when the personal effect of failure starts with this young. First, he completely changes the definition of failure to adjust it to his new stated. Then this same young learn not also to avoid, but also learn how to manipulated what failing is or not in his life; this will bereflected into deeper levels like family, where the damage is not only to himself but also to his close ones and in a future to his child’s.
The families are the best example of what fail and avoid of failing is. The best example is a divorced; studies are proved that the main reason of couple to end their relationship is because of problems in communication. Some time when two people avoid aconversation of something not so good is because they are scared on fail. The main thing is what the kids are learning, the most important learn is not in school is in the house. Is in home where they learn how to respect others, face difficulties and manage the failure, frustration among other. When all that is damage because the pillars of this family solve everything avoiding, this is what they learnreally. Families are very affected on the failure effect not only on communication but also in feign. Most of the families in Puerto Rico live on appearances, to hide what is really happening inside and look good to the society. That’s why marriage of 20 years and more are getting divorced now, because they wait until the kids are adult to give up on them. Is in that precise moment when thisadolescents and young start to doubting on their beliefs and the things that was learn on the past. These kids are the same freshman that it was mention before, that create a new meaning of things in order to “succeed.”
The society is reflecting of the government, but the government is form with individual of the society; that could explain why everything is destabilized. If these kids that are...
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