The ice hotel

Páginas: 2 (425 palabras) Publicado: 7 de febrero de 2011
Level 4 – Assignment 4

a) What are the names of the people who arrive to the hotel?
Alexander and Susana.

b) What did they do after checking in?
Go for a drink

c) What kinds ofservices take place in the chapel?
Weddings and others ordinaries chapel services.

d) How long does it take to build the hotel?
A month

e) How long have they been building it?

f) What is the temperature inside and outside?
Inside -5º outside -32º degrees

g) Who participates in building the hotel?
Architects and engineers

h) Why do they need allthese professionals?
They provide technical back up to help to build the hotel so they wouldn´t do the same mistakes they did first times,

i) How many people visit it every season?
Four thousandvisitors

j) What does the couple think of the hotel?

They found it fantastic, fabulous. Outside it’s stormy but inside it’s really calm. The temperature its great when you are in thesleeping bag. It’s wonderful for love.

WRITING - Activity 2
1. Would you like to stay at the hotel? Why or why not? Write a paragraph (around 200 words) talking about the advantages anddisadvantages of staying there.
2. Write your paragraph here.

THE ICE HOTELAbout this ice hotel I think it could be a fantastic idea being there with your soul mate, I mean, my husband, because I foundit very romantic and it could be a real new experience that I would like to talk to my sons and grandchildren’s in a possible future. I think it could be really exciting if I could take a picture ofthe place in every part of it, because if I were there, I wouldn’t like to miss any detail. About the advantages or disadvantages, I’d like to begin with the second one and the big one, In mypersonal opinion, could be the weather, because in Mexico there´s no way that we could have that extremely low temperature and we could have severe consequences in our health. And the last thing that I...
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