The Imposition Of Colonialism

Páginas: 14 (3444 palabras) Publicado: 14 de noviembre de 2012
The Imposition of Colonialism
Modernization in Asia Pacific began with colonialism. The nations that exist in Asia Pacific today are in part products of the intercourse between East and West over the past four centuries. With colonialism modernization turned into the center of Asian states´ public agenda.
Trade, religion brought Western values, ideas, technology and goods the instruments forbreaking down the natural contours of the old Asian world to prepare the way for a revolutionary process of change in Asia.
The assumptions of the West´s superiority both materially and spiritually speaking served as justifications for the imperial enterprise in Asian countries. The underlying problem for Asians with benign view of colonialism´s purpose was the assumption that modernization meantwesternization.
The European Roots of Colonialism.
Colonialism grew out of the extraordinary changes that ushered in capitalism in Western Europe in the 15th century: Protestantism and the commercial revolution. Colonialism the process of incorporating peoples in Asia, Africa, and America begun earlier with the Portuguese and Spaniards conquests.
Capitalist stages
1.- Mercantilism: Preciousmetal and accumulation of capital early inception of manufacture production, wage-based workforce.
2.- Industrial revolution: Two-way trade. Raw materials/ finished goods (metropolises-colonies).
Theoretical views of colonialism
Modernization theory: Colonialism is envisioned as an extension of modern civilization, which confronts traditional societies with the challenge of fundamental changesto their ancient way of life. These changes are viewed as national developments. It is through colonial rule that modernization (a process of steps considered necessary to transform society into a sound capitalist and democratic state) as a potentiality is made available to backward peoples.
World System Theory: Colonialism is the incorporation of new territories and people into the ever-expandingnetwork of market relationships. Peripheral societies even when they become independent remain economically and politically weak. In between lays an intermediate zone of nations either moving upward or downward: semi peripheral states.
Core nations are compelled to expand in order to remain competitive in a dynamically charged international market. This competition among core nations tosupersede one another drives the expansion of the capitalist world system.
Developmental State Theory
Colonialism is merely a historical process of evolution. What needs to be explained is the pattern of adaptations required by subsequent countries faced with the challenge of surviving in an already industrialized world order. The central institution to understand how the process of adaptation workedis the state.
Colonialism was the conquest of backward countries too weak to fashion a strong state to defend against external aggression. Political independence is not the primary factor to leverage modernization, rather erecting a state strong enough to direct, assist and protect an internal industrial development.
What characteristics does a state need to have to be strong and developmental?Centralized authority, high level of industrial performance on the part of the privately owned sector, and it needs to fashion sound and coherent industrial policy to master the advantages of a developmental economy. Further a merit-based bureaucracy, literate workforce, and competent managers.
Traditional Societies in the Eve of Colonialism
Economically and socially, societies throughout AsianPacific were quite similar prior to the 17th century: agrarian, community cooperation, family as basic unit of production, rigid social hierarchies, and male-driven prestige systems.
Belief Systems
By the time the Europeans arrived, three great religious traditions existed: Hinduism (Bali), Buddhism (Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia), and Islam. And also the moral and social philosophy of...
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