The Romans

Páginas: 2 (473 palabras) Publicado: 21 de octubre de 2012

The next people coming to Britain after The Celts were The Romans, who came in the 55 b.c. by force. They were already an empire and wanted to extend their power. Another reason fortheir invasion was the mild climate there were in the country, the sea (as they were skilled there) and agriculture.

The Romans brought the skills of reading and writing to Britain. If you did notknow how to write or read you were considered “inexistent” in that society.
The written word was important for spreading ideas and also for establishing power.
Julius Cesar came to England in 55 b.c,and it was in 43 b.c that a Roman army actually occupied Britain. They had little difficulty, because they had a better trained army and because The Celtic tribes fought among themselves.
It isimportant to remark that once The Romans had settled, The Celts were allowed to stay in Britain but under The Romans rules. There were many decisions taken by Celtic people in order to have certain“peace”. Some of them decided to join the army, a fact that would pleased The Romans. Some others decided to enroll in the administration (which imply being a member of the authority), while others werewealthier people containing lands and trying to keep their belongings, living a life quite different from the others. Other Celtic people decided to settle in places called “Villas”, having a verysophisticated life. Later on, the situation in Britain improved, but still there were some Celts that opposed the rules. From this moment onwards, The Romans built a strong wall along the northern boarder,named after the emperor Hadrian who planned it, so as to keep menaces out and to avoid any kind of rebellion. This division caused by the Hadrian´s wall also means a division between Britain and Scotland.There were some people called “Garrisons” stationed all along the wall, that were strategically situated there in order to invigilate.

The most obvious Characteristic of Roman Britain was...
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