The true value of shakespeare

Páginas: 4 (818 palabras) Publicado: 10 de junio de 2010
RESEARCH PAPER by: Sofia Ospino

The value of studying Shakespeare’s plays may vary in different ways; considering which point of view or which topic you take toanalyze the plays. Also its lessons may vary in the way you understand a Shakespearean piece

For example (Jenson, 2005) said “one must be familiar with the early days of English literature in order tocomprehend the foundation beneath much of more modern literature’s basis” Shakespeare’s plays has a lot of that, and his influence is still seen today. “Furthermore, there can be no doubt thatShakespeare was a master of the artistry of the English language. He wrote with such fluidity of thought, word, rhythm, and sound that the work is presented in a complex manner, but is not unintelligible,even for the inexperienced reader.” Each line, each poem has different meanings and our work here, is to try and decipherer them.

Another value of studying Shakespeare’s plays is the learning ofvocabulary because Shakespeare was a man that really liked to use so many words just to describe a single emotion. (Jenson, 2005) also said that “by using just the right combination of words, or byconjuring just the right image, Shakespeare authored countless passages and entire plays so powerful, poignant, comedic, tragic, and romantic that many are still being routinely memorized and performedtoday, nearly four centuries later.”

Also Shakespeare’s work may influence in human emotions. “Shakespeare’s themes teach students the value of morals and that natural desires do not override the lawsof society” says (SK, 1999). He also refers to this when he agree that “Shakespeare offers students deep insight into human nature. Looking deeper at his words, the themes Shakespeare wrote about canteach students a great deal about morals and the world around them.”

Another thing we need to think about is the importance of studying Shakespeare in its original language, or the Elizabethan...
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