
Páginas: 4 (838 palabras) Publicado: 20 de abril de 2012
I am a student.
Are you the new secretary?
Carol is an excellent friend.
My dog isn’t very big (not).
Is peter from Germany?
You aren’t the new teacher. (not)
………………………………………………………………………………..Are you student? : Yes, I am. I study engineering.
Is she teacher? : No, she isn’t. She’s a doctor.
Is English difficult? : No, it isn’t. English is easy.
Is he from Germany? : No, he isn’t.He’s from Japan.
Is she from Venezuela? : Yes, she is. She is from Caracas.
Aqui sale la foto de hombre o mujer y su pais.
Where am I from? : I am from Portugal. I amPortuguese.
Where is Pierre From? : Pierre is from France. He is French.
Where is Carmen From? : Carmen is from Spain. She is Spanish.
Where are James and John from? : James and John are fromEngland. They are English.
Where are you from? : You are from Ireland. You are Irish.
Where are the Stuarts from? : the Stuarts are from the UK.
They are British.……………………………………………………………………………………………
¿Qué edad tienes? Tengo 19
How old are you? I …have…… 19. ( have- am- is- are)

¿Qué hace exactamente? Soy un conductor. Yo conduzco un taxi.
What do you do exactly? I’m a driver. I …drive…………… a taxi. ( drives- take- drives- am)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Reordenar las instrucciones de abajo. A continuación, volver a escribir las frases
Con mi familia - salgo - por lo general - los fines de semana
Sábados - yo - levanto tarde - en

Re- arrange the promptsbelow. Then re-write the sentences
With my family – go out – I usually – on weekends
Saturdays – I – wake up late – on

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….| He_______[pic]___exercise on weekdays, but he|
|___________[pic]______exercise on the weekend....
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