Trabajo De Ingles

Páginas: 5 (1065 palabras) Publicado: 23 de mayo de 2012
Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs
Principio del formulario
1. Mary cheese but she doesn´t like spinach.
2. They always to work by bus.
3. Her children football in the garden every day.
4. I usually TV in the evening.
5. Myparents don´t at the weekend.
6. We to music at home.
7. She in a small house in Manchester.
8. I always tea in the morning.

Verb to be – Simple Present
1. Write am, is or are.
1. Mary ...... a teacher.
2. My friends ...... Italian.
3. They ...... doctors.
4. She ...... from Holland.
5. I ...... an engineer.
6. Paul ...... very tall.
7. London ...... the capital of England.
8. We...... American.
9. Mary and Eve ...... from Russia.
10. Your parents ...... teachers.
2. Write the sentences in exercise 1 in the short form, when possible.
1. Mary´s a teacher. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
3. Write these sentences in the negative (short form).
1. Luke´s a student.
2. Laura and Gabriel are friends.
3. You´re fromSpain. ……………………………………………………………..
4. He´s my neighbour. ……………………………………………………………..
5. We´re Italian. ……………………………………………………………..
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4. Write am, is or are. Then, write short answers.
1. ...... you a student? ......, ........... 5. ....... you French? ......., .........
2. ...... your mother a doctor? .......,......... 6. ....... your neighbour from Spain?.......
3. ...... your friends nice? ......, ........... 7. ....... it sunny now? ......., .........
4. ...... Dublin in Ireland? ........, ........... 8. ....... Sydney in Australia? ........, .........
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Exercise 1:
1. is
2. are
3. are
4. is
5. am
6. is
8. are
9. are
10. are
Exercise 2:
2. My friends are Italian
3. They´re doctors
4. She´s from Holland
5. I´m an engineer.
6. Paul´s very tall
7. London´s the capital of England.
8. We´re American.
9. Mary and Eve are from Russia.
10. Your parents are teachers.
Exercise 3:
1. Luke´s not a student
2. Laura and Gabriel aren´t friends
3. You aren´t from Spain/You´re not from Spain.4. He isn´t my neighbour/He´s not my neighbour
5. We aren´t Italian/We´re not Italian.
Exercise 4:
1. Are you a student? Yes, I am/no, I´m not
2. Is your mother a doctor? Yes, she is/no she isn´t
3. Are your friends nice? Yes, they are/no they aren´t
4. Is Dublin in Ireland? Yes, it is.
Los mejores recursos gratuitos para aprender y enseñar inglés
5. Are you French?Yes, I am/no, I´m not.
6. Is your neighbour from Spain? Yes he/she is / no, he/she isn´t
7. Is it sunny now? Yes, it is / no, it isn´t
8. Is Sydney in Australia? Yes, it is.



Present Simple and Present Continuous
1. Write these words in the right order:
1. is / having / he / breakfast..........................................................................................
2. every / basketball / play / I / Tuesday
3. 7:30 / my father / gets / at / up
4. do / what / every / day / do / you / ?..........................................................................................
5. holiday / going / I'm / on / thinking / of
6. read / do / you / books / ? / a lot of - I do / Yes,
7. and / sometimes / the cinema / my friend / I / to / go...
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