
Páginas: 2 (348 palabras) Publicado: 28 de diciembre de 2012
Smoking law

With the arrival of the new smoking ban, made on January 2, 2011, many people have been affected. Part of the population is in favor of this law, but people who smoke or whohave restaurants do not agree.
Many people think that is more pleasant to be in a bar where there is smoke, as the snuff not only harmful, addictive and harmful to health, but rude to thepeople around a smoker. Get home reeking of snuff after a night out or see a delicious meal ruined by cigar smoking in the next table, are situations that are avoided with this new law.
Alreadyin 2006 it became a new reform on snuff, whose most important measure was the smoking ban in places that until then was allowed, as workplaces (both public and private) or cultural centers.But this time has gone to more. Smoking is prohibited near schools, restaurants, and agrees to put a room where you can smoke inside the establishment. Private clubs have been establishednonprofit that can not generate profits. Ie they can not sell food or drink. Therefore may not have staff employed as waiters. They can only enter them and of course members are allowed accessto minors.

+ miguel, you agree with this law?

-Yes, I agree with this law, because a person does not need to be sick through the fault of other persons who are smoking around it,something that might be avoided by this law.
And you agree with this law?

+ Speaking with percentages, sixty per cent I agree, and forty per cent I desagree. I am in favour of this law becauseit is not agreeable to be dancing and to be swallowing the smoke of another person, on the other hand the tobacco is very expensive, and this law helping many people to stop smoking. I do notagree because I see exaggerated that for example could not smoke on having happened ahead from a school.

In conclusion, a new law that it favors to a few, and it harms some others.
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