Unexpected News

Páginas: 3 (556 palabras) Publicado: 18 de noviembre de 2012
Unexpected News
And then he knew it was too late... Some years ago, I was finishing my day in school when my mother entered the classroom terrified. I knew something was wrong. She took mefrom that place and told me an unpleasant piece of news. I felt that my heart was beating faster than ever when I heard her. Tears were the only thing that I had in my eyes. My mother received aletter from my father. My brother, Billy, who is 15 years old, had been kidnapped the previous day. The kidnapper phoned my father and told him that he was in Mexico and that he wanted $250,000 dollarsfor the following week. If not, he would kill Billy. My father and Billy lived in Boston, 300 km from where we are, Washington.
I couldn`t even say a word. I arrived home and I fell on thebed immediately. I started remembering all the good moments I spent with Billy. He was the only brother I had, and I didn´t want him to die because it would be difficult for me to continue with my lifewithout him Apart from all this, I didn´t even know what month, day and hour it was because my head was in another place. I couldn´t erased the Billy´s image from my head. I glanced at the clock andit was Tuesday 13th, April. I couldn´t believe it. My mother had gone to buy the tickets to the trip and I stayed home, when suddenly the bell rang. It was the postman who gave me a letter. It wasfrom my father who wrote that the kidnapper needed the money urgentely and instead of giving us a week, he was giving us a day. He wanted us to go to Mexico. How could that be possible? I hastily phonedmy mother and I told her to buy a ticket for the following day.
Early in the morning we went to the airport. A sudden uproar of people prevented us from hearing the number of the gate ofour departure, but we soon saw it appear on the screen. Our gate was number 5.
After a long trip we arrived at the Mexico airport where I phoned my father and he arranged to see us at the...
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