Varios Alcohol

Páginas: 4 (837 palabras) Publicado: 22 de septiembre de 2012
Recurso: | Medic Latina (EBSCO) |
Título: | Prevalencia del consumo riesgoso y danino de alcohol y factores de riesgo enestudiantes universitarios de primer ingreso. (Spanish) : Prevalence of riskyand harmful alcohol consumption and risk factors in freshmen students. (English) |
Autor: | Daaz Martinez, Alejandro |
Autor Adic./ Editor: | Rosa Diaz Martinez, L. 
A. Hernandez-Avila, Carlos Narro Robles, Jose 
Fernandez Varela, Hector 
Solis Torres, Cuauhtemoc |
Cita: | Salud Mental jul/ago2008, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p271-282 |
Año: | 2008 |
Resumen: | Background In Mexico, alcoholis the most widely used substance among young adults. Alcohol consumption in this age group contributes importantly to the most frequent causes of mortality and morbidity (e.g., accidents, violence,homicides, suicide and risky behaviors). Around the world, college or university attendance has emerged in the literature as a risk factor for drinking problems among young adults. In Mexico, data fromthe most recent National Survey on Addictions showed that lifetime and current drinking is experienced by more than half of the Mexicans attending college education. Despite this, in our country thereis a paucity of epidemiological studies examining drinking behavior and correlates among those attending college. Findings in non-representative samples of students attending public and privateuniversities in Mexico City suggest that, during the last two decades, there has been an increase in the frequency of lifetime and current drinking in this population. Add 
En Mexico, el alcohol es lasustancia potencialmente adictiva que se utiliza con mayor frecuencia por los adultos jovenes. Informacion proveniente de la Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones mas reciente muestra que mas de 50% de losjovenes entre los 18-29 anos ha consumido bebidas alcoholicas al menos una vez durante el ultimo mes. En la Ciudad de Mexico se ha encontrado que mas de la mitad de las mujeres y cerca de dos terceras...
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