Violencia En Contra De La Mujer

Páginas: 10 (2400 palabras) Publicado: 16 de diciembre de 2012
Violence against women
Lilia Escalera
Park University
Minority Group Relations
PhD. Orbie Stewart
September 22, 2012

Violence against women
Violence against women is all kind of violence against women just because they are women. This violence is a consequence of the position of women in the family who is mostly guided by man, subservient to men, and has no rights as a person,Violence against women has many facets ranging from discrimination and contempt to the physical o psychological aggression and murder. Occurring in different areas, family, work or when rising, becoming more dramatic when it occurs with the couple at home. Every year hundred of women are killed by their significant other, around the world.
At least one out of every three women around the world hasbeen beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime - with the abuser usually someone known to her. (Osborne, 2009, p. 21).
According to the WHO (Women Health Organization) and its definition. Violence against women takes many forms, including violence in the home; violations; trafficking in women and girls; forced prostitution; violence in situations of armed conflict, such asmurder, systematic rape, sexual slavery and forced pregnancy; for reasons of honor killings; dowry violence; female infanticide and prenatal selection of the sex of the fetus in favor of male babies; female genital mutilation and other practices and harmful traditions.
The Declaration on the elimination of violence against women, adopted by General Assembly of the United Nations in 1993, shows thatviolence against women is a violation of human rights and a form of discrimination against women international recognition and understanding.
The platform for action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on women, held in Beijing in 1995, defines violence against women as one of the 12 critical areas of concern which should be given particular emphasis by governments, the international communityand civil society. (development, 2003)
Violence against women have many faces it goes from domestic violence to genital mutilation. Following there is a description of the different forms and description that women are victims.
Physical Violence: Is all action or intentional omissions that couse damage to the physical integrity of women. This type of violence is the most obvious because thedamage leaves a mark on the body of the woman. This included hitting, kicking women on different parts of her body such as face, breast, stomach and genitals. Leaving as a result wounds, mutilations. The objects that the agressors used vary from firearms, knives, or sharp object.
Psychological Violence: Is all actions or omissions intended to demean, intimidate or control behavior of women. Itconsists of a series of prohibitions, contraints, intimidation, insults, threats, jelous actitud, indifference, repeated neglect, blackmail, humiliation,destructive comparisons, or any other attitudes that causes low self-esteem in women or producing alterations in any fiend or area of psychic structure. This type of violence can be very dangerous and hard to be detected once that there is no signsof violence, but it cause damage on the self-esteem and on the emotional side. Some examples of this violence can be humiliate her, make fun of her comments or about her apperance, offend her. These are only some example but this violence can really threat victim.
Sexual Violence: In this type of violence are contained physical as well as emmotional violence once that damage is in both fields.Physical because of the body submission is the mayority of time with body punches and in the emotional field because the agresor use hurtful, humiliting or offensive words to subdue the victim. Some more obvious manifestations are; rape, body touching without consent, forcing women to have sex or certain sexual activities, mocking her body or making hurtful comparisons.
Economic Violence: Are all...
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