Wholesale pricing

Páginas: 3 (520 palabras) Publicado: 20 de marzo de 2012
Copy used in Beacon Brochure

* Brochure is broken into 8 sections, four on each side (inside and outside)
* 1,2,3,4 are on the inside and 5,6,7,8 are the outside

Sections 1-3 (evenlyspread over the three sections)

Automatic Wireless Readiness Checks
Performing and documenting “readiness checks” is required by every AED manufacturer, the FDA, and many state laws. The Beaconperforms checks automatically and reliably – all without expensive labor costs, human errors, pesky reminders, or the liability incurred by forgetting!

Instant AED Unit Feedback
Whether you have oneAED or one-thousand, you will be notified when:
* Your AED’s battery and electrode pads get low
* Your AED is powered on or opened
* Your AED fails a “self-check”
* Your AED is subjectto a recall

FREE Backup & Integration with 911 Dispatch
Make sure the professionals know where your life-saving equipment is located. We offer 100% backup to maximize up-time when you need itmost.
* 24/7/365
* Two Fully-Redundant (voice & Data) Central Stations

Geo-location Tracking
Automatically pinpoint the location and “readiness status” of your AED(s) – Live, in RealTime!

Section 4
Header: “With the Benefits of Arch” (use Arch logo)

Style: blue/grey faded background

AED Medical Direction
AED Medical Direction & Oversight by state-licensed physicians– nationally.

Integrated E-commerce
Arch doesn’t just tell you something is about to expire, we allow you to re-order using our secure platform, saving you time, money, and giving you something evenmore valuable - piece-of-mind

Automatic EMS Registration
Arch automatically registers your AED(s) with your local fire department, EMS, and/or 911 dispatch center.

Section 5-6:
Style:white/gray faded background

Quote in upper-left: “The Beacon will change the AED industry, save more lives, and reduce risk!”
-Micah Bongberg, CEO, Annuvia

* Automatic Wireless Readiness Checks...
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