
Páginas: 2 (257 palabras) Publicado: 3 de marzo de 2013
Civics & Ethics
Study Guide
1st Bimester

1) Rules of dialogue:
Respect for everyone else’s opinions
Use the appropriate language
Argue in areasoned and informed way.

2) Globalization definition is: World-wide integration and development; the process enabling financial and investment markets to operateinternationally, largely as a result of deregulation and improved communications.

3) List 4 aspects Mexico has impacted other cultures.

4) Match definitions:
Justice: The quality of beingjust; righteousness, equitableness.
Viability: the capacity to operate or be sustain
Anarchy: a state of society without government
Inequality: the condition of being unequalOligarchy: all powers vested in a few people or dominant class.
Solidarity: union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests

5) Remember these:Repercussions of social development in personal life.
There are four conditions that allow us to lear, to know, and to develop in our environment are. Natural (territory, resources,etc), Humans ( knowledge, traditions, customs, and others), Economic (finances, infrastructure, etc) and Social (groups, institutions,, etc)

6) Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsPyramid
You will have to label each level and give a
few details about it.

Think of dvantages and disadvantages of social networks
“6 Elements to make a Personal Decision”discussed in class.
Analyze the alternatives
Take action
Look at the possibilities
Consider the risks
Consider the advantages
Consider the disadvantages

ONU “Declaration onthe Right to Development” 6 rights to promote are:
a) Respect for life b) Integrity of the Ecosystems c) Social and Economic Justice d) Peace e) Democracy f)No violence
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