A Man Called Horse

Páginas: 3 (544 palabras) Publicado: 23 de abril de 2011
Essay: A man called Horse

There are moments in the story where the protagonist shows a clear change in his behavior. This is due because of the cultural clashes he confronts that make thecharacter modify his personality. These moments are for example when the Crow tribe caught Horse or when Horse delays his departure to Boston. Also when he starts to understand their language and in themoment he gives the flowers to Greasy Hands.
In first place, his attitude changes when he is caught by the tribe because although there is a parallelism between the moment he lives in Boston, andwhen he lives in the Crow’s place because in both sides he didn’t have his “equals” and he suffered from this (“he wanted to live among his equals”) we can say that in terms of wealthyness, he changedabruptly as in Boston “he had known every comfort and privilege his father’s wealth could provide” meanwhile in the tribe, he was left only with a pair of moccasins that were all broken, and he had topour some rancid grease to cure his “bruised and sun-seared body”. Horse is left with nothing, and he has to fight for the food between the dogs. The character reflexes and tells us that he prefersto be a horse rather than a dog because the horse has to be only docile and “he would learn to do without pride”. The character fights now for his survival and this makes him changes of personality.Moving on, a moment where he shows a metamorphosis in his tough personality is when he delays his departure to Boston, because he becomes more confident about his stay in the Crow tribe and starts toadapt more to the society. However, during that specific moment he becomes more aware that he is now treated with more respect, and he is married to Pretty Calf, and he starts to interact with peopleinside the tribe. “They were amused at him, playing with the little boys”. Dorothy Johnson describes this because she tries to write about the evolution of the character, as in first place he...
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