Glissant´s Theory

Páginas: 3 (626 palabras) Publicado: 15 de abril de 2011

“Writers like Édouard Glissant use the term “creole” in a broader sense, to describe the entanglement – or what he calls the ‘relation’ between – differentcultures forced into cohabitation in the colonial context. Creolization in this context refers to the process of ‘cultural and linguistic mixing’…” [1]

Primarily (but not exclusively), related to theexpansion of the West, the Creole Language and Culture have fascinated early researchers in different disciplines of the humanities, especially in the Linguistics Studies. One of them is ÉdouardGlissant, who lives in Martinique, Paris and New York, and defends the idea that the globalization is the main support to the development of cultural Creolization.

Studies about Creole Languageand culture allow us, to pioneer on the boundaries of a phenomenon that give us all sort of speculation.

Within this context, based on some theoretical assumptions of historic aspectsand Post-Colonialism, as well as the study carried through Elisabeth Kirndörfer[2], we will analyse her writing concerning to the concept of ‘creolization’ with focus on Édouard Glissant.Considering the historical trajectories and sociocultural dynamics that have led to the invisibility of the Afro-Latin-Americans in Latin-American historiography, is interesting to mention theimportance of the concepts of ‘culture’ and ‘identity’, which are presented by Kirndörfer, as general emphasis on dynamism, transformation, fluidity and mixture, represented by keywords as “hybridization”,“métissage”, “bricolage” and also “creolization”.

According to her, some critics of the “hyperglobalizers”[3] similarly assume that the contemporary world is actually less interconnected incomparison to the late 19th century when the imperial powers occupied nine-tenth of the surface territory of the globe. Especially slavery, colonialism and imperialism have marked a constant...
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