I Love Psychology

Páginas: 3 (611 palabras) Publicado: 1 de junio de 2012

Psychology is the science that studies what? and why? of human behavior, explores concepts such as perception, attention, motivation, emotion, brain function, intelligence,personality, relationships, consciousness and the unconscious. Psychology uses methods quantitative empirical research to analyze the behavior. We can also find, especially in clinical or consulting,other quantitative methods. While knowledge is frequently used in psychological evaluation or treatment of psychopathology, in recent decades psychologists are also being used in human resourcedepartments of organizations in areas related to child development and aging, sports , the media, the world of law and forensic sciences. Although most psychologists are professionally involved intherapeutic activities (clinical, consulting, education), a part is also dedicated to research from the universities on a wide range of topics related to human behavior.

I love it very interesting to knowwhy the behavior of man, I love to analyze people, only to see the movement of his hands, the look in his eyes, how they speak.
I also like it because as a psychologist brings expertise toorganizations, with more humane work environment, motivating and productive orientation of education, the stimulus to learning and management of family relationships and their influence on emotional stability andpersonal development, social change projects, evaluation, intervention and monitoring of problems of adjustment or adaptation or research and develop responses to issues of individual and collectivebehavior, among others.
I studied at the Konrad Lorenz University, the race there last 5 years or 10 semesters, the profile of the clinical psychologist is formed through the combination ofpersonality characteristics and academic preparation.

The clinical psychologist is accentuated in essential features with the function to perform: help people to solve their emotional problems. In this...
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