El principito




Chapter sixteen is a fun introduction to the planet Earth in which the narrator realizes its size from the large number of geographers, businessmen, vain, kings, drinkers and Lamplighters that inhabit it. Still further, the narrator dares to point out that to turn on the lights at night need an army of managers consisting lanterns "sixty-two thousand five hundred and eleven" (61) people, distributed around the world.



In this chapter, not to give a false idea of ​​planet Earth who do not know, the narrator must accept that their claims in the previous chapter were not entirely honest. The truth is that men take up very little space and although the elderly are important as the baobabs believe, the fact is that all crammed together, according to the narrator, fit loosely in a public square.

For this reason it is not surprising that when the prince came to Earth not see anyone and were it not that in the middle of the sand appeared a snake who confirmed that indeed was at its destination, the planet was gone. The prince asked the snake to show him where to find men because he was lonely in the desert. The snake, so insightful answers also one can feel alone among men. The enigmatic snake announces that she is powerful and that if the prince ever really missed your planet she can help. because it has the ability to return to earth to everyone who plays. The...

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