Páginas: 6 (1408 palabras) Publicado: 29 de octubre de 2012
Keith Haring (Reading, Pa., May 4, 1958 - New York, February 16, 1990) was an artist and social activist whose work reflects the spirit of the generation pop and street culture of New York of the 1980s.
From a very young began to draw inspiration from the television cartoon. Studied art at the Ivy School of Art in Pittsburgh, where he began to make silkscreen printing on t-shirts. And thencontinued his studies at the School of Visual Arts in New York during 1978 and 1979, where he was influenced by Keith Joseph Kossuth Sonnler and encouraged him to train as a conceptual artist after experimentation with form and color.
In the summer of 1979 a performance called "Word-Poetry Things at Club 57 in Manhattan. In 1980 he began making graffiti, drawing with pen cartoon-like images on ads inthe subway in New York. Later followed a cartoon drawn with white chalk on black panels meters reserved for advertising. He was arrested several times for damaging public property
Keith Haring Intento combinar en Su Obra El Arte, la Música y la Moda, Rompiendo Barreras Entre Estós campos. La Iconografía época Una Mezcla Elementos de platillos volantes Sexuales en contra, personajes y perros, yanimales Figuras danzando, un Los Que Se añadieron Más Tarde Figuras Corriendo, Bebés gateando, halos, Pirámides, televisiones, Teléfonos y referencias al estilo de Energía Nuclear; EL TRATAMIENTOde Keith Haring de Temas de como El Poder y El Miedo al estilo de Tecnología Sugiere angustia Su Refleja Inquietud y moral. Su Primera Exposición individual en la galería FUE Tony Shafrazi de Nueva York, en1982.
El Soporte Pictórico Que utilizaba Haring era Variado y accesible (papel, Fibra de Vidrio, lienzo, Piezas de Acero esmaltado, Camisetas, Vasos y vaciados en escayola de Obras de arte conocidas); hijo Fuentes SUS El arte esquimal, africano, maya y delos Aborígenes, asi de como la caligrafía china, los all-over de Alechinsky, Warhol y Mark Tobey, un Partir de los Cuales evolucionó HACIA SuEstilo semiabstracto característico, Una Especie de new wave azteca Que Recuerda Pollock ya Penck uno.Líneas gruesas negras bordean Figuras esquemáticas EN UNA Composiciones dominadas Por horror vacui sin evidenciando vibran Que Con Una llamativa y Energía irresistible. El Estilo de Haring Refleja El espíritu de la Generación del pop y de la cultura callejera del East Village (Manhattan)..

It'sbeen 12 years since that day in which we pledged to never camp there in our country, and the task has not been easy. Despite the elapsed time, continues the urgency of ending the poverty of the excluded, and we continue to believe that with the force of all, this is a dream possible and real in the Chile we all yearn for.

We do not want extreme poverty to become normal in a country should moveforward with everyone.
Thus A Roof for Chile was founded in 1997, when the Jesuit priest and chaplain, Father Felipe Berrios current SJ, with a group of young people worried about poverty that existed in Chile, decided to convene people from different races and universities to conduct a Curanilahue buildings in the south of our country.

The actual invitation was to build 350 houses forfamilies living in extreme poverty.Project was a prop, not visualizing the future, but the result was a success not only for having given adequate housing for these 350 families, but also because young people and everyone involved in the work were motivated to do even greater things .

It was then proposed a more ambitious goal: to build 2,000 homes by 2000, a goal that was achieved in September1999. It was in that same year when the project was nationalized, which were implemented for regional offices in major cities.

Closed and the project with the goal accomplished ...

Parallel to this work, and with the experience gained by the work of volunteers and residents of camps, there are two key areas within A Roof for Chile: Social and Housing Enabling Determination.

Both understand...
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