2014 TP Neutrones

Páginas: 4 (866 palabras) Publicado: 10 de abril de 2016


Bovino Justina, Etchemaite Francisca e Ingaramo Jimena
Instituto República de Italia
The first thing to do is proceed to determine the etymological origin of the neutron word that concerns us. Therefore, we should clarify that emanates from the Latin and morespecifically the word neuer, which formed two distinct parts: the ne-prefix is equivalent to a denial, and uter, which can be translated as "one or other”. [31-13].
The neutron is a subatomicparticle, a nucleon, without net charge present in the atomic nucleus, which is practically in all atoms, except from the protium. Although it is said that the neutron has no charge, is actually composedof three fundamental charged particles called quarks, which added charges are zero. Therefore, the neutron is composed of two neutral baryon guy down quark and quark type above.
Outside of the atomicnucleus, neutrons are unstable, having a half life of 15 minutes (885.7 ± 0.8 s); each free neutron is decomposed into an electron and a proton antineutrino. The bulk is very similar to the proton,although slightly larger.
The neutron is necessary for stability of nearly all nuclei, with the exception of hydrogen isotope-1. The strong nuclear force is responsible for keeping stable atomicnuclei. [1-2-3]

Descubrimiento del neutrón:
En 1932 el profesor James Chadwick descubre el neutrón. El bombardeo del berilio con partículas alfa provocaba radiaciones muy penetrantes que se suponían queeran rayos gamma de gran energía. Esta radiación determinaba la expulsión de protones en la parafina y otras sustancias (hidrocarburos, núcleos de nitrógeno, etc.).[2]
La idea de que fueranradiaciones gamma fue desechada por hechos contradictorios a la acción de los rayos X sobre electrones. Así, en 1932, Chadwick introdujo la idea de que esas radiaciones era partículas de masa prácticamente...
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