
Páginas: 2 (362 palabras) Publicado: 9 de mayo de 2012
some sleepers
some piyamas
that much -> tanto
purchase -> purchis // compras muy grandes
acquire -> aquair // inversiones
either -> ider
juice -> jus
in the end -> indiend
this -> dzis
these-> dziiis
do you buy -> diubay
advance -> edvens

how you doing? -> como te va
yet -> iet
flour -> flower
nail -> neil
vacum cleaner -> vacium cliner

I do smoke -> momento enfatico // Idon't buy...., but I do buy.... // I won't buy..., buy I will buy...
In spite of the fact that -> in spai of dzi fact dzat
Eventh though, despite the fact

fortune -> fortun

No me lo puedopermitir -> I can't afford it // I can't afford to buy // Why can't you afford to.... (por que no tienes dinero para...)
The center of town
shares (acciones) -> shere

I bought myself a really nicedress (me compré)
ironing board -> ironing bord

To dome some activity -> to do some painting (pintar) / to do some cleaning (limpiar) / He is doing some painting...

synonym -> sinonim

pay incash
pay by credit card

Lo primero...
The first thing,
The first reason,

possible -> paasible

Look at = mirar a
carpet = moqueta
besides = ademas de
defect =difact

como se dice en ingles...? = how do you say in english....?

No se enfade usted -> don't get angry (engry)
Se lo dejo a él -> I leave it to him
mantenme informado -> keep me informedmarchate antes de las 12 -> leave before twelve o'clock

autonomo -> self employer
neighbor -> neibur
your -> ior

Ser bueno en algo -> to be good at.... // you are good at Math (maz) // whatis he good at?
nervous -> nervas /****ous = as

garlic = geilik = ajo
medieval = medivol
rivaly = raivali = rivalidad

coger un bus -> to catch a bus
llegue tarde a la officina -> I got "to"the office late(get to)
He invitated me to lunch -> me invito a comer
Dejo una buena propina -> he left a big tip
Me dio consejos -> he gave me some advice

result -> risolt

prismaticos ->...
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