
Páginas: 2 (308 palabras) Publicado: 19 de febrero de 2011
Meeting people

Daniel: good morning Ricardo Onaiber: where is the party?
Ricardo: hi, Daniel, how are you Juan: itis my house
Daniel: fine thanks, and you? Ricardo: what time is the
Ricardo: I am ok / very well partyDaniel: How is school/work? Juan: it is at 4 pm
Ricardo: good /excellent/ fine and you
Daniel: excellent / great / marvelous

Ricardo: Daniel, this is myfriend Mary Daniel: what is the address?
Daniel: hi Juan, my name is Daniel Juan: it is on Sucre av / La
Juan: nice to meet you tooDaniel Pastora
Daniel: nice to meet you too Onaiber: we are in. what are
Juan: what is profession Danielyour telephone number?
Daniel: I am doctor. And you? Juan: it is 0426-842-59-33
Juan: I am engeneerDaniel: is it 0412-567-89-20
Ricardo: is it 0426-234-45-71
Onaiber: hi Daniel, howare you Onaiber: it is 0424-125-09-24
Daniel: fine thanks: and you?
Onaiber: I am ok / very well
Daniel: Onaiber, meet my friends RicardoRicardo: ok, see you this
and Juan Saturday guys
Onaiber: Hi, nice to meet youOnaiber: bye
Juan: what is your profession Daniel: so long friends
Onaiber: I am lawyer and you Juan:...
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