Analisis sintactico de oraciones en ingles

Páginas: 5 (1050 palabras) Publicado: 4 de julio de 2011
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Sunday 3 July 2011

10 things to know about carbs

Carbohydrates are essential to our growth, movement and metabolism. Inventions like the Atkins diet have looked to eliminate carbs to achieve radical weight loss and give the impression eating carbs will only keep the weight on!

Fortunately, you don't need to be afraid of bread!Here are ten things you need to know about carbohydrates to achieve not only weight loss, but good health and a continued abundance of energy.
1. An organic compound in its natural form, carbs do not contain any fat – to put to rest the myth that carbs are fattening. What makes certain carb-based foods fattening (e.g. chocolate bars and cakes), is what is added to them. In consequence, bread doesnot make people fat, pasta does not make people fat and cereal does not make people fat!
2. 1g of carbohydrate amounts to 4Kcals. Actually, this is good to know when you are food shopping as you can work out what else has been added and how much of that is sugar in its manufactured form.
3. There are different types of carbohydrates (e.g. complex, simple, starchy and non-starchy) that havespecific roles in our diets. They have slightly different make-ups but are all still made of units of sugars. Simple carbs are sugar molecules that are only made up of one or two units. These are easily digested and absorbed into our blood stream, which makes them quick energy releasers. Complex carbs are made up of around three units which take longer to digest. This gives them their ‘slow burn’ effect,releasing energy over a longer period of time.  
4. Carbohydrates are all variations of the same chemical: sugar... sometimes called glucose. Sugar is the body’s main source of energy. We need it to fuel our movements, heart beat, breathing and digestive system. If our body doesn’t have enough sugar for fuel it turns to our muscles for energy. This leads to muscle erosion (atrophy), loss ofshape, chronic fatigue, bad breath (yes, bad breath!) and a decrease in sports performance.
5. The body needs glucose to metabolise fat and produce energy. It is biologically impossible for the body to use fat as fuel if glucose combined with oxygen isn’t present in the body.
6. The Atkins diet was built on the principal that you can lose body mass by cutting your carbohydrates. However, withoutglucose the only component of our body we will lose is muscle. Our body fat would remain the same and as there would be a serious lack of fibre in the body we would retain a lot of water.  Our overall weight would decrease but our body fat percentage would remain the same. You may have achieved a smaller dress size but you won’t have slimmed down or firmed up.

Not all sugar is bad for you
7. Yes,carbohydrates do get stored but only on the understanding that they will be called upon later to be used as energy. It is when there is an excessive amount in the body that it will be stored and unused.  This is where portion control plays an important role.
8. Changing portion size and the time of day you eat is a more effective and sustainable way to achieve weight loss than simply cuttingcarbs out completely.
- On average, each person needs to consume six - 11 portions of carbohydrates a day. Five need to be from starchy based carbs such as wheat, potatoes, rice, cereals and beans. The others can be from non-starchy, less sugar-based carbs such as vegetables and fruit. You need more vegetables than fruit, even though fruit is full of natural sugar, it is simple sugar. An averageportion size for carbs is a fist size worth (e.g. one slice of bread is equal to one portion).
-  Eating carbs at breakfast and lunch is a must. In order to maintain your energy levels and avoid blood sugar levels dipping having a consistent supply of sugar is essential.
- Putting a small amount of carbs into your snacks will help your energy levels along too. Even if it’s just a banana or...
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