
Páginas: 3 (687 palabras) Publicado: 18 de marzo de 2010
1. Hi Guys
4-2. Hi Andrea,
3. Hi andrea, Where do you come from?
1. I was in the gym. My brother says I am fat so I must lose weight
2. Which gym?
4. The club’s gym, I guess. We must go onlyto high class gyms.
3. And, how often do go to the gym.
1. I go there every day. I have to work hard.
4. I need to exercise to lose weigh too. You must call an invite me tomorrow.
1. Sure, youare invited.
2. Can I go, too? I can pick you up in my car.
3: I am not going to stay alone at home listening to music…
2. What do you mean?
3. I`m coming with you to the gym tomorrow, so we canhave fun together there.
4. I think it`s perfect, so we can go shopping after the gym.
1. Great, I have to go shopping tomorrow to buy some clothes for next Friday`s party.
2. When is the party?
1.On Friday, I said, but you can`t listen because you always have your earphones on.
2. Don`t be silly. Are we all going to the party?
4-3. whose party is that?
1: It`s Moni`s party why?
2:Moni is not a good friend, so we don’t have to go. We can go to a disco instead
4. I agree we don’t have to go to that party. Monica is very selfish
2: It`s decided. No one of us is going to thatparty. So it will be a boring party, the worst party ever.
3: I have a question
4: tell us
3: What are we going to do tomorrow afternoon?
4: Nothing, why?
3: why don`t you come with me?
I haveto buy a new cell phone,
The one I have is too old already.
4: too old? You bought it just three months ago
3: yes, I know. But there is a very nice new cell phone I must have it
1: and how muchis that?
3: $ 1.300.000
2: isn`t it too expensive?
3: maybe, but I don’t pay. It`s my father`s money
2: but you can use that money in something else
3: something else?
2: yes, clothes or shoesor parties
3: mmm, parties… I like that
2: we can give a great party and invite all of our friends
4: yes, we can buy beer, Rhum and some snacks. It`s going to be a huge party.
2: and we can...
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