Armenian Genocide

Páginas: 2 (330 palabras) Publicado: 18 de diciembre de 2012
Makeup Assingnment Armenian Genocide Quiz
Mario Gutierrez

Causes of the Armenian Genocide
* 1890’s: Turks ( 1st class citizens) take control of the Ottoman Empire’s government.Armenians become 2nd class citizens
* 1895-1896: Armenians refuse paying double taxesTurks start the Armenian Genocide
* 1900- 1912: Young Turks growed and spread the ideology of “tukism”
*1912:Ottoman Empire loses 75% of their land, turks feel powerless and they start the Extreme Nationalis,
* 1912: Turkish ideology NATIONALISMOttoman Empire for the Turks = Armenians lose rights (subjects)

My behavior towards my peers is a little bitweird. Well, we treat ourselves in a very unusual way, we can fight and start trashtalking to each other, but we don’t take it personal, that’s why I love my classmates, and that’s why you see I do thestuff I do. But, I admit I get a little bit to wild. I need to respect my classmates more, because not everyday is a happy day and I can say something and could possibly offend them. Sometimes I feelthat I say things and don’t think about them before I say them, and that is a BIG problem. I treat them like that because I trust them and I know them.

The Armenian Genocide was implemented bythis series of steps:
* 1915: “Draft”Armenian soldiers for war ( killing them)
* 1916: Take away all means of defensing and get rid of intelectuals
* 1917: “Deportation”to send women,children, poor & elderly to death
* Christians in Turkey dissapeared
* Armenians where almost extincted
The effects of treating my classmates that way are many: they treat me bad...
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