Asesinato De Kenneddy Y El 11/9

Páginas: 7 (1622 palabras) Publicado: 19 de noviembre de 2012
The Kennedy Assassination has a lot in common with 9-11. Both took the nation by storm. Both led to quick and sweeping changes. Both had a Pearl Harbor shock effect but lacked the believability to sustain the popular resolve of that shock.
However, the most curious thing about them is not the world changing part, but the events themselves. They are similar in their shock, the questions theycaused, and the seemingly all too clean resolution of the problem.
When Kennedy was shot, no one could believe it. Early threats warning of the danger, apparently went unreported or ignored. Security was inexplicably far from its designated location. The lone presumed perpetrator was a self-purported patsy. He was a solitary man with very convenient ties to the Soviet Union who fit the bill alittle too perfectly. He was miraculously found the day of the event, hiding in a movie theater. Within a few days an unlikely New Jersey mobster like character, in the middle of Texas, assassinated him. This man later died in jail, of “natural causes” but not before screaming, “They are poisoning me”. After this president, Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in, and immediately escalated the war in Vietnam.Some 58,000,000 Americans and untold amounts of Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Laotian people lost their lives as a result.
9-11 followed a similar pattern. Repeated threats went unreported and ignored. The event was a complete shock to the citizens who thought peace was breaking out all over. Then came the odd parts, the perpetrator was allowed to slip free. Like the aftermath of the KennedyAssassination, two wars, one which was completely unconnected to the event,  broke out. Hundreds of thousands have died, billions of untraceable dollars changed hands without the public questioning it once.
The resolution, eerily enough, is almost exactly the same. The bad guy is hiding in plain site under the nose of our ally, is then suddenly found. The many paid CIA operatives are in the area couldnot locate the 6ft -7in Arab man. This despite it being so widely know and even repeated by Christian Amanpur (of CNN – while a guest of host Bill Maher), that Osama Bin Laden was hiding in a Villa in Pakistan. Just then, a heroic Seal Team broke in shot him in the face. And then dumped his corpse, unseen by anyone,  into the Arabian Sea.
Oddly enough, within weeks this heroic Seal team wasthen conveniently shot down by what the media universally described as a “lucky shot”. All member of the elite but anonymous team were killed. Then the people who did it were carpet bombed to non- existence within hours. So the saying goes “Dead men Tell no Tales!!!”
All neat, no loose ends. There are too many coincidences. Here is just a part of the coincidence list, building seven falls byitself, the Neo-Conservative manifesto Project for a new American Century speaks of a Pearl Harbor type event, deliberately lax airport security despite credible threats, the name Operation Iraq Liberation, (O.I.L. for short) the many plans and training already in the works before 9-11. Then the boogieman is gone, but then, coincidently so are the people that got that boogieman.
If there are too manycoincidences then they are not coincidence. They cease to be coincidence and becomes a conspiracy.

* Both 9-11 and the JFK assassination happened on a day with an 11 in the date.
* Both 9-11 and the JFK assassination are generally considered so shocking and unexpected as to belife-changing for those old enough to remember them.
* Both 9-11 and the JFK assassination followed a decade or more of relative peace and stability in America.
* Both 9-11 and the JFK assassination opened a period of turbulence and growing distrust of the American government.
* According to the official story, both 9-11 and the JFK assassination were perpetrated by young men of modest means...
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