Autores Ingleses

Páginas: 13 (3167 palabras) Publicado: 17 de mayo de 2012
English poets.
John Milton.
Born in London on December 9, 1608 and murióel November 8, 1674. It was an English poet and essayist, best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost Poetically, Milton is one of the most important figures in English literary scene, and are sometimes located at the same level as Shakespeare.

     The first poetic works are composed by Milton L'Allegro and Il Penseroso(1631), two pastoral, reflecting the enjoyment of a day in the field from two different perspectives: L'Allegro (The joyful) invokes the joy of pure fun, while Il Penseroso (the thoughtful), reflects a more melancholy fun, focused on inner contemplation. This representation of opposites would be then taken up by poets like William Blake, in works such as Songs of Innocence and of Experience, orThe Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

     The name Lycidas (the protagonist of the poem of the same name), is typical of Dorian shepherds, so it seemed appropriate Milton to his pastoral elegy. It pays tribute to his friend Edward King, who had drowned when the boat he was traveling sank off the Irish coast. In this poem a shepherd mourns the death of another pastor who has drowned. Milton plays herewith the metaphor of the shepherd-poet of the pastoral (as King also wrote poetry) and the shepherd of souls, for the death of a good shepherd causes a great loss to the herd.

Milton also wrote a masque, Comus in which lives up to chastity. In this work a young girl is kidnapped and tempted by Comus, a parody version festive Greek god of the same name, but she resists propositions of God, and isfinally rescued by her brothers. The play was staged in honor of John Egerton, in celebration after being proclaimed this Lord President of Wales.

     Main article: Paradise Lost.

     The lost paradise rediscovered the themes of the fall of Lucifer and man's disobedience, and the subsequent exile of both (from Heaven to Paradise for the first or the second), creating a balance between the two,and a series of contrasts. This is an epic poem in which Milton tries to "justify the actions of God to men" and reveal the message of hope brought by the son of God after the loss of paradise. Following the publication of this work, Milton went on to write Paradise Regained and Samson agonist. Although the Paradise Regained is a sequel to the previous one, has more similarities with Samsonagonist, as both have a less epic and were published in one volume in 1671. Paradise Regained is the subject of Christ's temptation in the wilderness, following the Gospel of St. Luke, while agonist Samson Samson is the anguish of having been convicted and have been blinded for breaking his promise to God (by revealing the source of their strength), and having been betrayed by Delilah.

He was born on April 26, 1564 and died July 3 May 1616. There are very few documented facts in the life of William Shakespeare. What I can say is that he was baptized in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, on April 26, 1564 and died on April 23, 1616, according to the Julian calendar, just before turning age 52.
The poetry of Shakespeare.

      Aside from being a playwright ofunquestionable importance, Shakespeare was also a poet and sonneteer, and is generally believed that he was valued more as lyrical as a playwright and as such only expected to last time. Although he wrote mostly narrative and mythological long poems, he is remembered especially as a purely exceptional lyrical author of sonnets.


• Venus and Adonis
• the rape of Lucretia
• Sonnets

other worksof Shakespeare are:


      Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, King Lear, Hamlet, Julius Caesar,Macbeth, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Titus Andronicus, Troilus and Cressida.


A good time Ends Well, Cardenio (lost), Cymbeline, As You Like It, The Merchantof Venice, The Dream of a Summer Night, The Comedy of Errors, Love's Labours Lost

historical drama

      King John, Richard II,...
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