
Páginas: 2 (401 palabras) Publicado: 19 de febrero de 2011

Halloween or Halloween is a holiday celebrated mainly in the U.S. on the night of October 31. It originated in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian feast of All Saints Day.In large part, is a secular celebration although some believe that has a religious background. Irish immigrants passed versions of the tradition to North America during the Great Irish Famine of 1840.It was held in Anglo-Saxon countries, mainly in Canada, USA, Ireland and the UK. The expansive force of U.S. culture. UU. Halloween has been popular in other Western countries.


Halloweenhas its origins in a Celtic festival known as Samhain, which derives from Old Irish, meaning the end of verano.3 The ancient Britons had a similar festival known as Calan Gaeaf. Samhain wascelebrated at the end of the harvest season in celta4 culture and was seen as the "Celtic New Year", starting with season 6 oscura.5
The ancient Celts believed the line that connects this world with theUnderworld narrowed with the advent of Samhain, allowing spirits (both benevolent and malevolent) pass through.

Halloween o Noche de Brujas es una fiesta que se celebra principalmente enEstados Unidos en la noche del 31 de octubre. Tiene origen en la festividad celta del Samhain y la festividad cristiana del Día de todos los santos. En gran parte, es una celebración secular aunquealgunos consideran que posee un trasfondo religioso. Los inmigrantes irlandeses transmitieron versiones de la tradición a América del Norte durante la Gran hambruna irlandesa de 1840.
[]Se celebraba en lospaíses anglosajones, principalmente en Canadá, Estados Unidos, Irlanda y el Reino Unido. La fuerza expansiva de la cultura de EE. UU. ha hecho que Halloween se haya popularizado también en otrospaíses occidentales.
Origen celta
Halloween tiene su origen en una festividad céltica conocida como Samhain, que deriva de irlandés antiguo y significa fin del verano.[3] Los antiguos britanos tenían...
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