Basura organica

Páginas: 2 (486 palabras) Publicado: 30 de marzo de 2011
Organic Garbage

The organic waste is produced from remains of living organisms. Organic wastes are considered the remains of plants such as leaves, twigs, shells, rotting fruit, fruit or vegetableremains, dung, bones, natural fiber fabrics such as linen, silk and cotton, paper, among others. This waste is biodegradable, it can break through it and get mulch or compost

Theorganic waste is very important to fertilize the soil naturally, so it is good that we split up and exploit. If you have a garden or a small garden, it is preferable to use a home-made compost food scrapsand other biodegradable materials rather than using chemicals that may be hazardous to health, especially if they consume the fruits of what we sow.

By leveraging the garbage in thisway we are reducing the waste we throw away and end up in different types of landfills. When waste is not properly treated cause great environmental hazards. So we must learn to separate the waste,properly classified and can be reused. Organic waste that is thrown with the inorganic open dumps causes serious problems, modify the habitat of many species and some of them may disappear, besidesaffecting the health of nearby populations. If the wastes are dumped into rivers, lakes or seas and there is obtained drinking water also affected the health of people drinking there.

La basuraorgánica es la que se produce de restos de seres vivos. Se consideran deshechos orgánicos a los restos de plantas como hojas, ramas, cáscaras, frutos en descomposición, restos de frutas o verduras,estiércol, huesos, telas de fibras naturales como el lino, la seda y el algodón, el papel, entre otros. Esta basura es biodegradable, se puede descomponer y a través de ella obtener abono orgánico o compostLa basura orgánica es muy importante para abonar naturalmente la tierra, por eso, es bueno que la separemos y la podamos aprovechar. Si tienes jardín o una pequeña huerta, es preferible que...
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