Benefits of laughing

Páginas: 4 (929 palabras) Publicado: 3 de octubre de 2010
Benefit of laughing

Every person laughs several times a day for different reasons - after hearing a joke, watching a comedy movie or reading a comic book. Humor is one of the important senses thathuman being is blessed with. Laughing expresses a feeling of happiness. Humor and laughter are contagious and they cause a cumulative effect of amusement and joy. In addition, they offer a number ofpositive health benefits.

Why we laugh ?

he reasons we laugh, including "contagious" laughter, may be products of evolution.
Natural laughter is a two-part, spontaneous, response tohumor, that has physiological, psychological, and physical benefits.
Most agree that we laugh when we find something to be humorous, yet different reasons exist for what we find to be humorous.Additionally, different things are humorous to us at different stages of life.
Laughter, a physiological response to humor, can be broken down into two parts.
The first is a set of gestures, and the second isthe production of sound. The brain forces to conduct both responses simultaneously. From a physiological standpoint, a "sensor" in the brain responds to laughter by triggering other neural circuitsin the brain, which, in turn, generate more laughter.
Oddly enough, laughter is an orderly response, and almost occurs "spontaneously" during pauses at the end of phrases, earning it the name thepunctuation effect. Human beings are the only species capable of laughter, and the average adult does so approximately 17 times per day.
Good health is one of the many benefits of laughter. Laughterreduces our stress levels by reducing the level of stress hormones, and also helps us cope with serious illnesses.
Physiologically, laughter promotes healing, by lowering the blood pressure, and byincreasing the vascular blood flow and the oxygenation of the blood.
Physical fitness stemming from laughter is a benefit known to few. Scientists estimate that laughing 100 times is equivalent to a...
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