
Páginas: 5 (1001 palabras) Publicado: 24 de febrero de 2011
(Ignacio María de Allende and Unzaga) Military Mexican Independence (San Miguel el Grande, now San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, 1769 - Chihuahua, 1811).

Ignacio Allende was native of Good Family, skilled in the arts of chivalry and strong character. By Occupation in 1795 joined the Army where he received a solid training and obtained the rank of captain in 1797.

In the canton of JalapaIgnacio Allende met a Creole others that shared their political ideals of discontent against the Spanish government. At the end of 1809 the colonial government discovered a conspiracy in Valladolid (now Morelia) and try to dismantle the independence movement, but Allende made contact with an important ramification in Queretaro, in the house of Mayor Miguel Dominguez and his wife, Josefa Ortiz.(José María Morelos y Pavón, Valladolid, now Morelia, 1765 - San Cristobal Ecatepec, 1815) Religious, Political and Mexican military, leader of the Independence of Mexico. Assumed leadership of the Independence Movement in 1811 after the death of Father Hidalgo (whose cause had UNIDO itself in 1810) and achieved important victories in the South. Además try to shape a policy ideals of Justice andEquality Through Congress a Chilpancingo (1813), which formulated the "Declaration of Independence, Morelos issued a Broad Executive without laid the foundations and paragraph A liberal and Democratic ConstitutionThat would be approved in 1814.

José María Morelos was the Son of Manuel Morelos, a carpenter of Indian descent and Juana María Pérez Pavón, native, whose father was school teacher in theCity. Fourteen Years Duran, besides the first letter that his mother taught him only if Yes which helped in what may para ElTecpan, 1762 - The Salitral, Cocu, 1814) Military mexicano.Trabajo on the farms of his cousin Juan José That Up Galeana, in January 1811, entered an ex parte Training of Troops and independence priest José María Morelos, one of the key leaders "of the Mexican Emancipation. Fourmonths later, Morelos was appointed his deputy Having Featured in various military actions against the Spanish royalist troops. New earned victories (including the taking of Taxco, in November 1811, or Tenancingo, in January of 1812) that earned him Designated Marshal Service in September 1812, two months after participated in the conquest of Oaxaca.

. Tecpan, 1762 - The Salitral, Cocu, 1814)Mexican military. I Worked on the farm of His cousin Juan Jose Galeano, until, in January 1811, I joined the Troops of the priest and Independence José María Morelos, one of the main Leaders of the Mexican liberation. Four Months Later, Morelos historical Appointed deputy WAS HAVING Been featured in Various military actions Troops Against the royalist Spanish. Scored new victories (Including TheTaking of Taxco, in November 1811, or Tenancingo in January 1812) Which led to historical Appointed Marshal in September 1812 and two months Later Participate in the conquest of Oaxaca.

In June 1814, Died in a battle Begun in the vicinity of Coyuca, at the hands of Joaquín León. His head WAS Displayed in the square of Coyuca Which historical WAS Later rescued by supporters and buried, His bodyWas Never found. (San Miguel Anenecuilco, Mexico, 1879 - Morelos, 1919) Mexican Agrarian Revolution. Son of a poor peasant family, Emiliano Zapata worked as a laborer and sharecropper and received a poor schooling.

I was twenty years old when the Board supported their demands Cuautla Morelos ejidos, his home state. The persecution against the Board by the Diaz regime led to Cuernavaca and thento Mexico as a groom in the army.

Back in Morelos, Emiliano Zapata took up the defense of communal lands, and in 1909 he was appointed head of the Board of Ayala. In front of a small armed group, occupied the lands of the Hospital and distributed among the peasants.
(Valladolid, now Morelia, Mexico, 1768 - Mexico City, 1829) patriot and hero of Mexican independence from Mexico, also known by...
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