
Páginas: 2 (283 palabras) Publicado: 17 de octubre de 2012
Dolphins are small whales with teeth (odontocetes). Usually the name of dolphin is used for the long snout or beak. Are marine animals that live in thetemperate waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans generally. Your body is with small aerodynamic fins
An overview of the Dolphins
Are tiny creatures that canmeasure up to about four meters and can weigh up to 300 kilos. Living in groups of six or more than one hundred individuals communicate with each other through differentsilvidos. Some other help and great care of their offspring, the offspring are born under water, the mother and other adults put afloat, on the surface so that theycan breathe.

The dolphins newborn infants are fed breast milk, as curious information tend to do so under water. After feeding on fish, squid andshellfish that contend with its sharp teeth.
* The common dolphin: Inhabits warm and temperate seas around the world, measuring about two and a half meters inlength and has a peak of about fifteen centimeters.

* The morro of bottle: It reaches a length of more than three and a half meters, swim in banks or groups bythe Atlantic and Pacific.

* The ganges: Have lost almost the use of their eyes, probably because the rivers in which they live, the Ganges and Indus, carrywater so murky that the view given little utility.

* The white flag dolphin: Living only in the great lake Tung-Ting 1.000 kilometers upriver from Yank-Tse inChina. With almost two and a half meters long and weigh about 120 kilograms, these dolphins of pale color are very far away from its original environment, the Ocean.
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