Chapter 9

Páginas: 2 (303 palabras) Publicado: 26 de julio de 2010
Read the test carefully. Use only blue or black ink.

Chapter 9: Industrial Revolution

I. Vocabulary: Term, Places and People (15 points)
Write a sentence explaining the significance foreach term, place or people below.
1. Germ theory: __________________________________________________
2. Cult of domesticity: ____________________________________________
3. Big business:__________________________________________________
4. Orville and Wilbur Wright:_______________________________________
5. Charles Darwin:________________________________________________
7. Thomas Edison:________________________________________________
8. Industrial Revolution:___________________________________________
9. AlfredNobel:__________________________________________________
10. assembly line:_________________________________________________
11. dynamo:_____________________________________________________
13. Florence Nightingale:___________________________________________
13. “Natural selection”:______________________________________________
14.“temperance movement”:________________________________________________
15.”The Stone Breakers”______________________________________________
II. Answer the following statement. Watch your grammar!(15points)

1. Why did death rates slow down?

2. Explain the “suffrage struggle”

3. What are three values associated with the middle class?

4. What is German Robert Koch’s contribution toScience?

5. When was Anesthesia used for first time?



6- Why were hospitals still dangerous in the mid 1800s?____________________________________________________________


7. What are the subjects romantics favored?.

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