Chile Y La Influencia China

Páginas: 2 (365 palabras) Publicado: 11 de junio de 2012
Chile Y La Influencia Del Patrimonio Cultural Chino

Hoy en día vemos como nuestro país posee una gran cantidad de extranjeros provenientes de China, esto crea en nosotros la interrogante si es queverdaderamente Chile es un lugar que comparte ciertas características culturales que hacen que esta cultura tenga un espacio y un respeto para vivir y desarrollarse.
Analizar, ¿cómo fueron lasprimeras inmigraciones e nuestro país? y ¿como se han ido desarrollando?.
Se conoce que esta sociedad comparte una misma forma de desarrollarse económicamente, creando propios negocios característicosen la ciudad como locales de ropa y restaurants o negocios virtuales de comercialización.

Información de “”, a confirmar que dan pautas a la investigación:
Bilateral RelationsThe relations between the People`s Republic of China and Chile go back for many years. During the mid 19th century, an emigration to Latin America of Chinese workers was registered. In Chile theseworkers worked in mines, railway and farming; it is estimated that in the late 19th century and early 20th there was a population between 800 and 1000 Chinese people in Chile.
Chile was the first SouthAmerican country to enter into diplomatic relations with the People`s Republic of China on 15 December 1970. From there on, these bonds of mutual cooperation have undergone an expeditious developmentin the political, economic-commercial, cultural and science-technological fields, among others. Proof of this are the multiple agreements subscribed between the two countries.
At present, bothcountries have declared their relations as an “integral partnership”. Since 1990, all the presidents of Chile and China as well as a large number of authorites, delegations of members of parliament andmilitary authorities have exchanged official visits.
Chile benefits from pioneering relations with China. It was the first country to establish diplomatic relations with China and the first country...
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