
Páginas: 2 (295 palabras) Publicado: 17 de octubre de 2012
Is White Chocolate Really Chocolate?
Almost everybody likes chocolate, but sometimes we don´t really know the differences between dark chocolate, milk chocolate andwhite chocolate. You may have tasted all three, but did you know that white chocolate isn't really chocolate? One day someone asked me that, and I thought: Is it really ornot? And if it is, How do they make it white? Well, it isn't. White chocolate, though we call it 'chocolate', is not really that. And before you begin asking yourselvesabout this, let me tell you, that some of the most important Food and Drug Associations also do not classify white chocolate as that. 

So what is white chocolate? Whyis it still called 'chocolate'? Any chocolate is made from cocoa beans. The beans are first harvested, and then allowed to ferment for a week. Then they are sun orartificially dried before shelled and ground. This gives a thick liquid paste known as chocolate liqueur. The chocolate liqueur is then pressed to extract fat, known as cocoabutter. The part that is left is called the cocoa solid.

A 'chocolate' should have cocoa solids as well as cocoa butter. However, white chocolate has only cocoa butter,and no cocoa solids. And that´s why white chocolate isn't really 'chocolate', but the cocoa butter is derived from cocoa beans, and so it carries the smell and flavor. Thatis why white chocolate still tastes like chocolate and is called like that.

Chocolates in general have plenty of health benefits, white ones do not have anycaffeine, but they in fact make you fat. But is it true that most desirable things in life are fattening? Like some people say “A moment on your lips, forever on your hips!”
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