
Páginas: 26 (6455 palabras) Publicado: 24 de enero de 2012

1. Introduction 3

2. Àngel Guimerà 2.1. Biography 2.2. Context 2.3. Characters 2.4. Argument 2.5. Structure 2.6. Language and style 2.7. Conclusion 4, 5 5 6, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9 9

3. Joan Oliver 3.1.Biography 3.2.Context 3.3.Characters 3.4.Argument 3.5.Structure 3.6.Language and style 3.7.Conclusion 10, 11 11, 12 12, 13, 14 14 15 15, 16 164. Maria Àngels Anglada 4.1.Biography and context 4.2.Characters 4.3.Argument 4.4.Structure 4.5.Language and style 4.6.Conclusion 17 18, 19 19, 20 20 20, 21 21

5. Bibliography


In this Project I am going to describe and compare three different Catalan books that are placed in different periods. Moreover, you will see that, as time passed, the preference for one topic oranother one, changed rapidly.

First of all, I am going to focus on Maria Rosa, a play written by Àngel Guimerà. What I am going to do is giving you the biography of the author, I am going to contextualize it too, I am going to give you the argument and/or the plot of the play, I will describe you the characters (you will know how they were, how they acted…), I will tell you about the languageand the style and I will make a little conclusion at the end of each book so that the features of them will be seen clearly. Secondly, I am going to focus on Allò que tal vegada s’esdevingué, by Joan Oliver. In this play, I will also talk about all the features that can describe this book, such as the summary, the language and style, the biography of the author, and so on. And, I will do the samewith Quadern d’Aram, by Maria Àngels Anglada. In the next page, the project will start by Àngel Guimerà’s biography, and, by this way, you will see and you will find and understand the elements that appear and/or reflex his work.


ngel Guimerà (1845 - 1924) was a Catalan writer


who standed out for being a “theatre man” but also for being a great poet. He was areserved

man who was always aware of listening to other people in order to grow personally. Despite his discretion, his inner life was rich and complex, and it is not projected in his real life but in their literary characters.

Some important features you should take into account that really affect his literature are the following:

A. His birth. He was born in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Hisfather, there, meanwhile he made a business trip, met a woman who became Guimerà’s mother. The writer always introduced her as a young woman that came from a bourgeois family, Xavier Fàbregas asserts. So, the mixture will be one of the features that will most appear in their plays. Moreover, he was born before marriage and he was legalized when they were installed in El Vendrell. All these littlethings caused him an illegitimate feeling, of guilt because of the fact of being a board child. B. His mother’s influence. He had a devotion to his mother. She was the link, the element from which he could take with his lost land. He idealized her. C. Moving to El Vendrell. For him, it meant a new environment and a new language. Àngel Guimerà’s formation was the Spanish one, and, consequently, heneeded a period of adaptation did not reach the climax until he took awareness about the Catalan language. D. Guimerà was considered homosexual, so that is the reason why he had a frustration towards other women. Although he did not live real relationships, he was their creator. The unique relationship he had was with a girl from El Vendrell, but it ended up very badly.

He becomes one of themain authors of the Renaissance to prove the authenticity of his roots. In 1871, he founded the journal “La Renaixensa”. He was the director of it and he took part in the “Jocs Florals” in which he won in 1875 and in 1877.


Àngel Guimerà is in the rank of the ones generations of the Renaissance and his plays are located through different aesthetic forms: Modernism, Noucentism and...
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