Comparison Between Lw And Phisichology

Páginas: 2 (370 palabras) Publicado: 26 de febrero de 2013
This comparison is about 2 professions, law and psychology. The characteristics of right are:
* The right have to demand that the laws be perform, otherwise,apply the respect sanction for violate this right
* Right always refers to relation of an individual with others, through the laws.
The Characteristics of Psychology: Study of human behavior andhow the brain reacts to certain situations.
* Addiction Psychology
* Clinical/Counseling Psychology
* Developmental Psychology
* Sport/intelligence Psychology
These two professionshave many things in common, both are flashy. Law is as interesting as psychology because in their work camp operate with people, I mean, with the subject respect to social. Law is more objective thanpsychology because the law uses the laws, the CP, but another use more analysis in the people: their personality, behavior, actions, etc. The psychology work with the people at social and human level,with the behavior of a person more than the law, because it doesn’t study social aspects in-depth. The right as psychology offers a guide to people for they can resolve their problems at social,personal or with state level. The first offer suggestions legal sphere, through to CP, I mean, laws; and another is from a personal and essence sphere.
Both carriers like me, because I like to share withthe people and help them, to guide in their problems, and they resolve it. Law profession has many specializations as civil, labor, administrative, international, penal, etc. Not always a lawyer mustlike politic or want to occupy a political position, because in the law apart of use the laws, they have to work the human and social of a person. I don’t like penal law but I like civil law, becauseI think that I could feel fear and it camp is more dangerous in comparison to other. For that reason I would like be a lawyer and specialize in civil law, because I like to work with families, with...
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