Conquista religiosa

Páginas: 3 (555 palabras) Publicado: 8 de septiembre de 2012
Roman Catholicism and the Aztec Religion

We chose this topic, because we considerate interesting the union of two different cultures that had never seen before, the reallydifficult process of adaptation and transformation.
We are based or topic on religion, the most important aspect in live, principally on that time, the aspect that defined to only the beliefs, also theexpectations, government and even fears.

Aztec Religion

Aztecs beliefs were based on nature. They had three dominate gods: Tezcatlipoca ("Smoking Mirror," chief god of the Aztecs in general),Huitzilopochtli ("hummingbird wizard, was the war and sun god), and Quetzalcoatl ("Sovereign Plumed Serpent," the god of civilization, the priesthood, and learning). The role of human sacrifice wasvery important part, it had several practices like prayer, offerings of food, sports, and even dramas, were also to the sun and earth for food to grow, this sacrifice created a lot of war to captureprisoners, because they think that the gods were nourished better by living hearts of captives.

Spaniard religion - Roman Catholicism

| Spaniards | Aztecs |
Venerate | God (the Father, Son, andHoly Spirit), Virgin Mary and many saints | The Aztecs had several deities that they worshiped as gods |
Military | Played a big part | Very high importance |
Highest priest | Pope | chachalmecas|
One main job of the priest... | Convert those who did not yet believe in Catholicism(Spanish Inquisition) | Offer human sacrifices to the gods. |
It is the oldest institutions in the world andhas played an important role in the history of the western civilizations. Teaches that it is the “one true Church founded by Jesus Christ”, holds that there is one eternal God, who exists as a mutualindwelling of three persons: God the Father; God the Son; and the Holy Spirit, which make up the Trinity. Is led by the Pope and includes cardinals, patriarchs and diocesan bishops.

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