De noche

Páginas: 3 (628 palabras) Publicado: 23 de marzo de 2010
While films about polygamous men who don't bother telling their wives about their other wives are not uncommon, those concerning polyandrous women doing the same thing are rare. This featherweightromantic comedy from Mexican director Jaime Humberto Hermosillo is one of those films. Esmeralda is passionate about life and simply has too much love in her heart to be monogamous. She is just about tomarry her sixth husband, a student named Pedro, when one of her other five husbands calls the police and she is arrested. She tells her story to the stern judge Solorio, and her reasons for marryingeach husband are revealed in flashback. It doesn't take long for the judge to become as enchanted by her as the others. Like other Hermosillo films, this one is filled with inside-jokes for filmbuffs. For example, one of Esmeralda's husbands is a gay man masquerading behind the marriage to appease his overbearing mother. This is a direct reference to Hermosillo's Doña Herlinda and Her Son. In thestory's final segments, the director pays tribute to Gene Kelly's famous dance scene from Singing in the Rain via the song "Amorcito Corazon." ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide

De noche vienes esuna colección de cuentos, relatos y reflexiones en torno a las relaciones entre los sexos y entre las clases en América Latina. La impotencia de la "niña" Mónica ante el fatalismo de las mujerespobres en el hospital del cuento "El limbo" y el orgullo secreto con el que ellas le responden, o las recomendaciones a una "señorita bien educada" en el relato "Canción de cuna", llevan a los lectores dela risa a la pena y de la ternura a la indignación.
Elena Poniatowska nos pone cara a cara con nosotros mismos con especial lirismo, humor, sensibilidad y genio para crear atmósferas. Pocos autorestienen tal talento para observar a las personas, los objetos, las costumbres. Pocos son también capaces de reproducir como ella, el habla mexicana del que proviene: sus diminutivos, sus crueldades,...
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