Depresion En El Adulto Mayor

Páginas: 4 (852 palabras) Publicado: 22 de octubre de 2012
Analysis of Israel’s Barak floats partial, unilateral West Bank pullback
(4 workshop) Begoña Araneda

* Hidden relation of power presented in the article
The hidden powers in the article arethe moral power and the political power. The former involves Palestine, in the sense that they initially had the control of West Bank and Israel has developed illegal settlements in the area, accordingto international laws. So the moral power is shown through Palestine and its desire that the Israeli move them from the West Bank. The last has to do with the ministers involved in the article. Theyare deciding whether if the Israeli move or not from that area.
* Who is exercising the power, that is, whose discourse are being presented
The political power is being exercise by the threeministers that appear in the article. Nevertheless the discourse of Barak is opposite the one proposed by Netanyahu and Meridor, who had a more determinant discourse. He said there was “NO WAY” Israelwould pull out of the West Bank. This comment shows his strong position about the West Bank issue. On the other hand the moral power is being exercise by Palestine. They have the internationalrecognition that the area belongs to them. So, internationally Israel is the one who is breaking the “law”.
* Who are consulted for the article?
The article consulted an interview published on Monday24th, in which Barak said his proposal. Another source was the Israel Hayom , that is a right-wing newspaper . The other information provided in the article is part of the article itself.
* Who isthe ideal audience?
The ideal audience is people interested in the topic, perhaps persons who have family living in West Bank. Other possible audience could be people who had followed the conflict andis aware of the previous information.
* What is left or unsaid?
What is unsaid is the view of Palestine about the issue and what they will do if the illegal Israeli settlements don’t leave...
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