
Páginas: 10 (2428 palabras) Publicado: 5 de diciembre de 2010
Liderazgo Cristiano_______________________________

4 Ideas Falsas Que Destruye Un Liderato

1. “Yo No Puedo…”
Tenemos que entender para quien trabajamos…
Al fin del día, yo soy un siervo del Dios Todopoderoso! Y por eso, el siervo hace exactamente lo que el Maestro diga porque el siervo esta operando debajo el poder y autoridad de aquel que lo ha llamado, equipado para servir.

2. “NoSoy Mejor Que…”
Comparandote a otro líder te hace perder el enfoque a lo que Dios quiere que tu hagas. Debemos aprender de “aquel” pero enfocarnos en “El” !
Siempre va ver algiuen que lo va ser major que tu. Tu llamado no es imitar a la gente.

3. “He Fallado Antes”
Seguro que si ! Haz fallado y todo gran líder ha pasado por esto.
Pero, como todo gran líder no deja que sus faltas lodefine.
They pick up the pieces and move forward. They learn lessons from their failure…if there was a sin issue involved, they repent and submit to Jesus and the leadership of others and then they get on with life.
Peter failed. Remember when he tried to cut off the servant's ear and had to be rebuked by Jesus? Yet, when it came to Acts 2 and the day of Pentecost, he was the guy who Jesus anointedto preach the Gospel and see over 3k new believers!
4. “No Tengo Esperanza”
The only problem with that thought is THE TOMB IS EMPTY and as long as that is a reality, then there is always hope--always.
I know some reading this feel like you are just about at the end of your rope but from my personal experience, I’ve discovered when I do get to the end of my rope Jesus is always there saying,“What took you so long?”
Losing hope can bring about times of intense desperation but quite often intense desperation leads to undeniable revelation! When we lose hope and believe that things are just about over, well, that’s always a time for God to remind us of WHO HE IS and what He is capable of!

The Making of a Leader
La Iglesia tiene que edificar su liderazgo en una fundación solida ybiblica. El liderazgo es lo que mueve la iglesia para adelante. Es líder tiene que ser USTED.

 1.     The Nature of a Leader
A.     Changing Definitions of a Leader
B.     “Business” of the Ministry
C.    “Office” of the Ministry
 2.     The Call of Leadership
A.    The necessity of the Divine Call
B.     Self Appointed (“yo lo puedo ser mejor”)
C.    Man Appointed
D.    GodAppointed
 3.     Man’s Response to the Call of God
A.    Your Call
 4.    The Heart Qualifications
A.    Qualities of the Heart
B.     The Leader and the Heart of the Father
C.    The leader and the Heart of the Servant
 5. Servant Leadership

What Leaders Do
Elder Mel. J. Williams
Churches, mission boards, colleges, seminaries, para-church ministries and scores of Christianorganizations suffer in these crisis times because of the lack of leadership. Not because of bad people. Not because of laziness. Not because of insufficient funding. Not because their contribution to the Kingdom is not needed. They suffer because of ineffective leadership.
Leadership is considered to be the exercise of one’s spiritual gifts under the call of God to serve a certain group ofpeople in achieving the goals God has given them toward the end of glorifying Christ.
Now let’s get specific. What do leaders do? The tasks leaders fulfill come in six primary areas of activity: relating, organizing, achieving, thinking, envisioning and enduring.
In this session we will explore how:
* Leaders Relate
* Leaders Organize
* Leaders Achieve
* Leaders Think
*Leaders Envision
* Leaders Endure

We Build People
This program is a practical resource tool for our churches to bring people into the body of Christ, then motivate, equip, and release them for ministry to others. It lays out a practical four-step program for building people.
Base 1 – Include Them
Base 2 – Instruct Them
Base 3 – Involve Them
Base 4 – Invest Them
We need to...
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