El plomo

Páginas: 16 (3853 palabras) Publicado: 23 de marzo de 2011
4 Artículos en Inglés con traducción al español relacionados con el plomo, extraídos del documento “Lead Contamination in our Enviroment” (contaminación del plomo en nuestro ambiente) esctiro por Carolyn Kinder.
Química Ambiental
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Unidad Azcapotzalco

Claudia Itzel Torres Hurtado

Technologies That Concentrate Lead and Disperse It.
Leaded gasoline is the major source of dispersing lead into the human environment. When leaded gasoline is burned, it emits small particles of lead into the air, where they remain for extended periods of time. These lead particles will eventually fall out into soil and dust, creating a large amount of lead to continue to poisongenerations unless covered or removed. The dispersive nature of leaded gasoline and its long-term effects, the ease with which lead enters the body after it is emitted by motor vehicles, and the vulnerability of at-risk urban populations, especially children, combine to make elimination of leaded gasoline.
There are some jobs that can cause lead to be taken into the body. Lead poisoning in the workplaceis entirely preventable and it still occurs. A variety of work and hobby environments expose people to lead and may result in lead exposures to the family. You may unknowingly bring lead into your home on your hands or clothes. Precautions are needed if you work construction, demolition or painting; with batteries; in a radiator repair shop or lead factory; or if your occupation or hobby involvesfurniture refinishing or making stained glass.
For example, a demolition worker who uses a torch to cut up a lead-paint storage tank, a smelter worker who breaks up old lead batteries for recycling, a house painter who sands and scrapes lead-based paint, a foundry worker who pours molten metal to make brass fittings, an electronics worker who solders printed circuit boards, a pottery worker whouses a glaze that contains lead and a radiator repair worker who solders radiators. contribute to sources of lead contamination in our environment. Lead can be also brought into the house from outside soil. Other places to be aware of lead exposure include: clothes from anybody who work with lead or lead paint, from lead soldered pipes, drapery and window weights, fishing sinkers, some folkmedicines and some imported pottery.
A review of the regulation, incidence, and prevention of lead poisoning in the construction industry was presented. Of the one million construction workers estimated to be occupationally exposed to lead, 78% are employed in remodeling.14 High risk work associated with remodeling includes abrasive blasting, welding, cutting and touch burning of surfaces with leadbased coatings. Bridge and structural beam workers are also considered to be at risk for exposure.

Tecnologías que concentran y dispersan el plomo.
La gasolina con plomo es la mayor fuente de dispersión de plomo en el medio ambiente. Cuando la gasolina con plomo es quemada, emite pequeñas partículas de plomo al aire, donde se quedan por extensos periodos de tiempo. Estas partículas de plomoeventualmente caerán al suelo, creando una capa grande de plomo que continuará envenenando generaciones si no es cubierta o removida. La naturaleza dispersiva de la gasolina con plomo y sus efectos a largo plazo, la facilidad con que el plomo entra al cuerpo después de haber sido emitido por vehículos automotores y la vulnerabilidad de las poblaciones en riesgo, especialmente niños, se combinan parapromover la eliminación de gasolinas con plomo.
Hay algunos trabajos que pueden causar la introducción de plomo en el cuerpo. El envenenamiento por plomo en el lugar de trabajo es totalmente prevenible y aun así sigue sucediendo. Una variedad de trabajos y actividades recreativas exponen a la gente al plomo y pueden resultar en exposiciones al plomo para toda la familia. Podría estar trayendo...
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