Enrique viii

Páginas: 4 (988 palabras) Publicado: 28 de octubre de 2010
Henry VIII (1491-1547), king of England (1509-1547), and founder of the Church of England. Son of Enrique VII, influenced deeply in the character of the English monarchy.Enrique was born in London the 28 of June of 1491, and after the death of his father in 1509, he acceded to the throne. One married with the widow of his brother, Catherine de Aragón, with whom committed inmarriage thanks to one gives papal obtained in 1503. He was first of the six marriages of Enrique, that were affected by the political and religious conditions of the time and by the more and moredespotic behavior of the monarch. In the beginning of its reign, attractive and the affection of Enrique, its liking to the sports and the hunting, and their military value won the affections to him oftheir subjects. In his paper of Renaissance monarch, it received in his cut to numerous scholars and artists, like the German painter Hans Holbein the Young person, who painted several pictures hisand of members of his cut.


In 1511 Enrique Santa against France was united to Liga and in 1513 she directed to the English troops in a victorious campaign tothe north of France. Once left by his allies, Enrique arranged (1514) the marriage of his sister Maria with Luis XII of France, with that formed an alliance. In 1525 disturbances in England in protestby the attempt of Enrique exploded to collect taxes with military aims and had to resign to participate in the main military companies of Europe.

In 1527 Enrique it announced his desire to divorceof his wife, alleging that it gives it papal who made her marriage possible was null. The main reason for the divorce was that Catherine had not given an inheriting man him. His only descendant wasMaria, later Maria I of England. In addition, Enrique was enamored with Ana Bolena, a young person and beautiful lady of honor of the queen. Nevertheless, several obstacles for the divorce existed....
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