
Páginas: 2 (391 palabras) Publicado: 17 de septiembre de 2011
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305-17 |

Abortion is medically defined as the termination of a pregnancy by theexpulsion form the uterus a fetus or embryo. An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be included in human and in other species.
When you practice the abortionyou can have consequences in your life and also mental or physical disorder and emotional. You could present the act that you will realize, in this case is very probably that a woman hascomplications in their body for example doesn’t have more babies in their life and this is the dreams of all women has babies or have infections in the uterus or fell guilty that the crime that do with alittle baby, even is probably that can suffer mental or physical disorder for example have suicidal impulses, sensation of loss, remorse, low autoesteem and in the health.
Abortions depends on thereligions and the values that each one has. The catholic church say that is a murder realize abortion, women doesn´t think that is a sin to kill other people, is very important take conscience in their actsand also the values that has each one, the women should have a big responsibility in themselves because they to committed an error to create a baby or doesn´t have any responsibility to use protectionand don´t think in the damage of the consequence that can have an abortion. Sometimes result traumatic experience for many women because they have been pressed maybe by their husband, parents,boyfriends, giving one of the consequences, the confidence loss for taken decision and therefore one gives a low autoesteem.

If you don´t to know to do when you are pregnant is better to look for a goodspecialist in this cases or go to a psychologist for to solve your problem, also you can to look for information in the internet or maybe you can talk with your family or friends that can help you...
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