Evalación Segun Gimeno Sacristan

Páginas: 3 (529 palabras) Publicado: 14 de noviembre de 2012
The Classroom as an environment for Second
Language acquisition.
In This piece of writing, we are going to explain that the classroom is a proper environment to learn a second language. But firstof all we have to clarify some differences and similarities between first and second language and then explain the theories that support the main statement.
It is well known that there are manydifferences in learning between first language acquisition and second language acquisition. Due to primarily, first language is longitudinal for the most part, which means that we are exposed most of thetime interacting with the mother tongue and the second language is not because we communicate in mother tongue. Secondly, FLA is mainly limited in natural setting, which means that in most of theplaces we can practice and learn it, and SLA is given mostly in classroom setting. Finally, FLA focused on learner strategies, which means that the leaner find the best way to understand the language, inturn SLA is focused on manipulation of structure and methods due to learner are in a classroom setting.
On the other hand, there are similarities in learning both first and second language, having thesame processes, for example, Overgeneralization, production simplification, transfer and so on.
However, to teach a second language in a classroom setting it is very important to show some point ofviews. One of them is the Krashen theory that distinguishes between “acquire” and “learn”. Where acquire is an unconscious and automatic process, whereas learn is a conscious process and you need ofan intellectual effort, for example you learn vocabulary, rules, structures. But you acquire skills and abilities.
Moreover, Krashen points out that being in a classroom you can learn the formallanguage, by the grammatical method, where reading and writing is highlighted, and it is very important to emphasize a clear and comprehensible input in order to have a better learning. He alleged that...
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