Experimento de ciencia

Páginas: 4 (826 palabras) Publicado: 24 de octubre de 2010
Effectiveness of garlic in fighting bacteria

This experiment was done to find out if garlic is effective in killing bacteria. This will help us understand the effectiveness of home remedies suchas the use of natural herbs (including garlic) for medicinal purposes.

Garlic will kill bacteria and prevent its further growth.

Herbs and spices have traditionally beenused in cooking as they add flavor to our food. These herbs and spices have also been known to many cultures for their medicinal properties. The oils that are extracted from these spices and herbsare found to be effective in killing bacteria and viruses.
Garlic is known to have the ability to fight bacteria and viruses. It is known to be affective against a wide range of bacteria and also hasthe ability to combat the common cold. The antimicrobial substance in garlic is called allicin. Allicin consists of approximately 0.3% - 0.5% of the garlic. To maintain the antibacterial properties ofgarlic, it must be consumed or applied as raw garlic because cooking will destroy the allicin.
Frequent use of antibiotics causes the microbes to develop resistance against the drugs. Studies haveshown that garlic has proven its ability to fight against bacteria that has developed resistance to antibiotics. The use of garlic along with other forms medication has been also known to enhance theeffectiveness of these drugs.

The materials required for this experiment:
3 agar petri dishes prepared with blood agar
300ml milk
1 measurement cup (to measure 100ml of milk)
5pieces garlic ground and juice extracted( approximately 5ml)
3 test tubes
4 syringes
Escherichia coli (E. Coli) specimen
2 tooth picks
1 permanent marker pen

1. For thisexperiment, the independent variable is the composition of the test specimen. The dependent variable is the growth of the bacteria colony. This is determined by measuring the size of the growth using a...
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