
Páginas: 2 (256 palabras) Publicado: 8 de diciembre de 2009
Universidad de Oriente
Departamento Socio-Humanístico
Núcleo Bolívar.

1ª Prueba Parcial de Ingles Instrumental.
Valor 25 %

Apellido yNombre_______________________________C.I.______________
Sección_____ Fecha________________

I Parte Valor 0.5 c/u = 2 pts.
Complete las siguientes oraciones, añadiendo: Ought to – May – Should – Can –Must – Would.

1. You__________ come with us today.
2. José__________write letters in english.
3. It__________ rain today. It is very cloudy.
4. She is introuble. You __________ to help her.

II Parte Valor 0.5 c/u = 2 pts.
Traduzca las siguientes oraciones
1. She shouldn`t do that.
2. You must come back at 11 o´clok.3. They could help us.
4. He won`t wait for a long time.

III Parte Valor 0.5 c/u = 2 pts.
Cambie estas oraciones de activas a pasivas.

1. The specialist mustdesign laboratory equipment to give a high level of performance.
2. Science Could develop new sources of power.
3. the scientist can see separate particles of iron andsulphur.
4. we may show the expansiono of a gas.

IV Parte Valor 0.5 c/u = 4 pts
Complete las siguientes oraciones, colocando los auxiliares a la idea dada en los paréntesis1. The recording of data_________ be carefull checked (modal obligation)
2. They_______ operate the Electronic computer (mental or physical ability)
3. We______ heatthe steel obove its critical temperature (compulsión)
4. I____________ be more carefully. (for moral obligation)
5. __________ I open door? (advice)
6. Thisproblem________approached in several ways. (possibility)
7. We________preserve the envioroment. (necessity)
8. The engineer_________ test the apparatus. (physical ability)
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