Film movies

Páginas: 2 (497 palabras) Publicado: 21 de febrero de 2012
1. Read: Major Film Genre

2. Think about 10 films you have seen during the past years.
* Titanic
* Nemo
* In time
* I am Sam
* 50/50
* Water for elephants
* Colombiana* The notebook
* The Help
* Planets of the Apes
* Marley & Me

3. Try to group the films together in different ways. You can organize them in columns or boxes. You may find that someappear in more than one column or box. Try to give each column or box a heading, which shows you have grouped the films together.

Action Films
* In time
* Planets of the apes
* Nemo
* 50/50
* Marley & Me
Drama films
* Titanic
* I am Sam
* 50/50
* Water for elephants
* Colombiana
* The notebook
* The help
* Planet of the apes* Marley and me
Crime and Gangster Films
• Colombiana
Epics/Historical Films
* Titanic
Science Fiction Films
* In time
* Planets of the apes
War (Anti-War) Films
* The notebookWesterns
Horror Films
Musicals (Dance) Films

4. Each of your headings will probably be centered on types of film--- westerns, horror, romantic, thriller/mystery/suspense, science fiction,comedy (although there may be other headings such as the film stars, directors, etc.).

5. When we talk about film types we normally use the word ‘genre’. But how did you decide to group your filmstogether? What did the films have in common?
* I decided to group all the films first and then divide the genres.
* Then I organized all of the movies by their genre. Most of the films I pick whereDrama

6. What does the word ‘genre’ mean when applied to film?
* Film genres are various forms or identifiable types, categories, classifications or groups of films that are recurring andhave similar, familiar or instantly-recognizable patterns, syntax, filmic techniques or conventions that include one or more of the following: settings, content and subject matter, themes, mood,...
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