
Páginas: 3 (539 palabras) Publicado: 19 de octubre de 2012
My Five Easy Steps to Shoot in Manual

Through the Lens of Kimberly Gauthier, ©Kimberly Gauthier Photography

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I owned my DSLR camera for a year before I understood aperture, shutterspeed, exposure, ISO, and white balance (boy, that’s a mouthful); and how they worked together. By the end of one day I was shooting in manual and my photos were good.

I did fall off the wagon, but Ididn’t fall far. I shot in aperture and shutter speed priority modes until I was more comfortable, then I jumped back into the deep end and I’ve been shooting in manual ever since.

Through theLens of Kimberly Gauthier, ©Kimberly Gauthier Photography

Page 2

Five Easy Steps to Shoot in Manual
I was going to explain the terms I mentioned above first, but I’d rather skip to how I was ableto shoot in manual so quickly. There were five steps that I followed for each shot; I practiced this all day until it became second nature. Yep, I was the girl, with the camera, mumbling to myself atthe tulip festival.

50mm lens, Aperture f/3.2, Shutter Speed 1/20 second, Exposure +0.7, ISO 400

1. Identify what you want to shoot - I wanted a bright shot of Jaffrey that showed that he wassun bathing. 2. Compose your shot - I got on the ground with my cat and aimed the camera. Landscape or portrait? What’s in the background, foreground? Do I want him to be centered? 3. Adjust yourcamera settings – Aperture f/3.2 (background is now out of focus), Shutter Speed 1/20 second (increase the light), Exposure +0.7 (frame Jaffrey in light), ISO 400 4. Take your picture – Click 5. Review –Love it.

Through the Lens of Kimberly Gauthier, ©Kimberly Gauthier Photography

Page 3

second! First things second!
Do you understand any of the terms I mentioned on page 2? If not, don’tworry; I’ll share my harebrained explanations next. My explanations are short and sweet; with the goal of getting you familiar with the terms; which will make following photography books a lot easier....
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