
Páginas: 4 (968 palabras) Publicado: 17 de noviembre de 2011
Nivelación Ingles
Yeiikko takoma!!!
Colegio Privado Cartagenita

1.) She is Kareem, she is small, fat handsome and pretty his hair is long and wavy have a jacket green withstreak white and a slacks black, in his hands have a walking stick of the march band…!!!

Describe ten photographs of people, animals, objects en ingles resaltando the vocabulary of adjectives(Small, tall, big, old, Young, thin, fat, pretty, handsome, ugly, and athletic, out of shape.
Hair: long, short, wavy, curly, straight Appearance: physical.
She is lady gaga, sheis tall, thin and pretty his hair is long and straight have a dress white, glasses black and an purse of color red. She is pretty!!!

Sheis ivanna, she is tall, young, thin and handsome his hair is long and straight have a diver white jean’s blue and sandal of color black...She is very very pretty..!!!

He is Harold, he is small,young, thin and handsome, his hair is short and wavy have a diver green make GAP, he is in the restaurant


She is Angie, she is tall, thin,pretty and handsome his hairs is long and straight have a dress black stockings black and sandal black

She is Sami, she is tall, pretty, thin and handsome his hair is long andwavy have a jacket black and jean’s blue

She is Gerald, she is tall, fat and pretty his hair is long and wavy have a shirt, glasses purple

He is Maick, is tall , thinhandsome and Young his hair is short and wavy, have a jean’s blue a jacket white glasses black and slipper black with white.

2.) Realize twenty sentences en English and Spanish, resaltando eluso de la estructura was-were
1.) She was in the office yesterday
Ella estuvo en la oficina ayer
2.) They were lawyers
Ellos fueron abogados
3.) He was in the park the week...
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