Fundamentos fisicos de la informatica

Páginas: 246 (61426 palabras) Publicado: 9 de octubre de 2010
Apuntes de apoyo a la asignatura

E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA

Francisco L. Mesa Ledesma


Copyright ©2002 by Francisco L. Mesa Ledesma; esta información puede ser copiada, distribuida y/o modificada bajo ciertas condiciones, pero viene SIN NINGUNA GARANTÍA; ver la Design Science License para más detalles.

DESIGNSCIENCE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION Copyright ©1999-2001 Michael Stutz Verbatim copying of this document is permitted, in any medium. 0. PREAMBLE. Copyright law gives certain exclusive rights to the author of a work, including the rights to copy, modify and distribute the work (the reproductive,adaptative,.and "distributionrights). The idea of çopyleft"isto willfully revoke the exclusivity of those rights under certain terms and conditions, so that anyone can copy and distribute the work or properly attributed derivative works, while all copies remain under the same terms and conditions as the original. The intent of this license is to be a general çopyleft"that can be applied to any kind of work that has protection under copyright. This licensestates those certain conditions under which a work published under its terms may be copied, distributed, and modified. Whereas "design science"is a strategy for the development of artifacts as a way to reform the environment (not people) and subsequently improve the universal standard of living, this Design Science License was written and deployed as a strategy for promoting the progress of scienceand art through reform of the environment. 1. DEFINITIONS. "License"shall mean this Design Science License. The License applies to any work which contains a notice placed by the work’s copyright holder stating that it is published under the terms of this Design Science License. "Work"shall mean such an aforementioned work. The License also applies to the output of the Work, only if said outputconstitutes a "derivative work.of the licensed Work as defined by copyright law. .Object Form"shall mean an executable or performable form of the Work, being an embodiment of the Work in some tangible medium. "Source Data"shall mean the origin of the Object Form, being the entire, machine-readable, preferred form of the Work for copying and for human modification (usually the language, encoding orformat in which composed or recorded by the Author); plus any accompanying files, scripts or other data necessary for installation, configuration or compilation of the Work. (Examples of "Source Data"include, but are not limited to, the following: if the Work is an image file composed and edited in PNG format, then the original PNG source file is the Source Data; if the Work is an MPEG 1.0 layer 3 digitalaudio recording made from a WAV format audio file recording of an analog source, then the original WAV file is the Source Data; if the Work was composed as an unformatted plaintext file, then that file is the Source Data; if the Work was composed in LaTeX, the LaTeX file(s) and any image files and/or custom macros necessary for compilation constitute the Source Data.) .Author"shall mean the copyrightholder(s) of the Work. The individual licensees are referred to as ou." 2. RIGHTS AND COPYRIGHT. The Work is copyrighted by the Author. All rights to the Work are reserved by the Author, except as specifically described below. This License describes the terms and conditions under which the Author permits you to copy, distribute and modify copies of the Work. In addition, you may refer to the Work,talk about it, and (as dictated by "fair use") quote from it, just as you would any copyrighted material under copyright law. Your right to operate, perform, read or otherwise interpret and/or execute the Work is unrestricted; however, you do so at your own risk, because the Work comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY – see Section 7 ("NO WARRANTY") below. 3. COPYING AND DISTRIBUTION. Permission is granted to...
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